Finally it’s here another regular Life. Refabricated. Residency. The regular means that we propose to interested and interesting place and people a three day residency where we perform in the evening of the second day of the residency. We pay the costs by performing 🙂 More on the performance here.
This amazing place on the edge of Cesena is run by Nhandan Chirco wonderful performer and choreographer, to say the least.
It is solistice time and Maja and Norbert, we feel we are on the peak of the transformation. We do not know (exactly) what we are transforming into. We know a bit more what are we transforming from. The peak of the transformation is when we shine in our fullest selves, and that is when we understand that self is yet another expression of the communitas.
Stay tuned for to see what we transform into after the residency in Cesena.