Through collaboration with people that hear voices and the association Hearing Voices Slovenia (Društvo Slišanje glasov) Life. Refabricated. resulted in a creative process and performance Life. Reheard. It is a process, work, piece, based on methods and tools we use at Life. Refabricated. It is an artistic transformation of experiences and life stories of members of hearing voices support groups into stage material, as the members of support groups take on the role of both authors and performers.

Since Life. Reheard. was so supportive and in that sense successful, the association Hearing Voices Slovenia invited Life. Reheard. to be part of Erasmus+ project “Art of Voices”. A project aims to offer some know-how to people (experts by profession or by experience) that work with people that hear voices.

Maja and Norbert Sven were thus at the meeting of organisations and people that work in the frame of Art of Voices project, from 19th to 21st February.

FB page of Art of Voices
IG profile of Art of Voices